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  1. Self-interacting stationary formations in plasmas under externally controlled fields, Chandra, Swarniv; Jit Sarkar, Chinmay Das, Basudev Ghosh; Plasma Physics Reports,47;306-317 (2021) Springer

  2. Amplitude modulated electron acoustic waves with bipolar ions and Kappa distributed positrons and warm electrons, Goswami, Jyotirmoy; Chandra, Swarniv; Sarkar, Jit; Ghosh, Basudev; Pramana-Journal of Physics,95,54 (2021) Springer

  3. Effects of exchange symmetry and quantum diffraction on amplitude modulated electrostatic waves in quantum magnetoplasma, Das, Chinmay; Chandra, Swarniv; Ghosh, Basudev; Pramana-Journal of Physics,95;78 (2021) Springer

  4. Electrostatic Shock Fronts in Two-Component Plasma And Its Evolution into Rogue Wave Type Solitary Structures; Mukhopadhyay, Anumita; Bagui, Debanjan; Chandra, Swarniv; The African Review of Physics,15;25 (2021) ICTP, Italy,

  5. Chaotic Scenario in Three-Component Fermi Plasma, Ghosh, Tamal; Pramanick, Suman; Sarkar, Soumya; Dey, Ankita; Chandra, Swarniv; The African Review of Physics,15;45 (2021) ICTP, Italy,

  6. Study of Dynamical Properties in Shock & Solitary Structures and its Evolutionary Stages in a Degenerate Plasma, Chatterjee, Mainak; Dasgupta, Meghna; Das, Sayoni; Halder, Moitreyee; Chandra, Swarniv; The African Review of Physics,15;75 (2021) ICTP, Italy,

  7. Stationary Formation Of Dust-Ion Acoustic Waves In Degenerate Dusty Plasma At Critical Regime, Roychowdhury, Amrita; Banerjee, Shuvranil; Chandra, Swarniv; The African Review of Physics,15;102 (2021) ICTP, Italy,

  8. Study Of Shock Fronts And Solitary Profile In A Weakly Relativistic Plasma And Its Evolution Into An Amplitude Modulated Envelop Soliton, Majumdar, Ahona; Sen, Anusree; Panda, Biswasaran; Ghosh, R; Mallick, Sweta; Chandra, Swarniv; The African Review of Physics,15;18 (2021) ICTP, Italy,

  9. Chaotic Excitations of Rogue Waves in Stable Parametric Region for Highly-Energetic Pair Plasmas, Dey, S; Maity, D; Ghosh, A; Samanta, P; De, A; Chandra, Swarniv; The African Review of Physics,15;33 (2021) ICTP, Italy,

  10. Nonlinear Excitations in Dust-Ion Acoustic Waves and the Formation of Rogue Waves in Stable Parametric Region in a 3-Component Degenerate Plasma, Samanta, P; De, A; Dey, S; Maity, D; Ghosh, A; Chandra, Swarniv; The African Review of Physics,15;10 (2021) ICTP, Italy,

  11. Non-Linear Behaviour Of Dust Acoustic Wave Mode In A Dynamic Dusty Plasma Containing Negative Dust Particles And Positrons, Ballav, S; Kundu, S; Das, A; Chandra, Swarniv; The African Review of Physics,15, 54 (2021) ICTP, Italy,

  12. Study of Small Amplitude Ion-Acoustic Bunched Solitary Waves in a Plasma with Streaming Ions and Thermal Electrons, Maiti, A; Chowdhury, S; Singha, P; Ray, S; Dasgupta, R; Chandra, Swarniv; The African Review of Physics,15;97 (2021) ICTP, Italy,

  13. Linear And Non-Linear Properties Of Electron Acoustic Waves In A Viscous Plasma, Ghosh, S; Saha, S; Chakraborty, T; Sadhukhan, K; Bhanja, R; Chandra, Swarniv; The African Review of Physics,15;90 (2021) ICTP, Italy,

  14. Propagation of Rogue Waves and Cnoidal Waves Formations through Low Frequency Plasma Oscillations, Ghosh, Mrittika; Sharry, K; Dutta, D; Chandra, Swarniv; The African Review of Physics,15,63 (2021) ICTP, Italy,

  15. Evolution of Nonlinear Stationary Formations in a quantum plasma at finite temperature, Chandra, Swarniv; Das, Chinmay; Jit Sarkar; Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A,76,4,329-347 (2021) de Gruyter,

  16. Growth of RT instability at the accreting magnetospheric boundary of neutron stars, Sarkar, Jit; Chandra, Swarniv; Goswami, J; Das, C; Ghosh, B; AIP Conference Proceedings,2319,(1),30006 (2021) AIP Publishing LLC,

  17. Quantum two stream instability in a relativistically degenerate magnetised plasma, Goswami, Jyotirmoy; Chandra, Swarniv; Sarkar, Jit; Ghosh, Basudev; AIP Conference Proceedings,2319(1);30005 (2021) AIP Publishing LLC,

  18. Resonant Interactions and Chaotic Excitation in Nonlinear Surface Waves in Dense Plasma, A. Ghosh, J. Goswami, Swarniv Chandra, C. Das, Y. Arya and H. Chhibber; IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, doi: 10.1109/TPS.2021.3109297.

  19. Plasma Shock Wave in Gamma Ray Bursts: Nonlinear Phenomena and Radiative Process; S Ballav, A Das, S Pramanick, Swarniv Chandra;  IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, doi: 10.1109/TPS.2021.3112178.(2021)

  20. Electron Acoustic Peregrine Breathers in a Quantum Plasma with 1-D Temperature Anisotropy; Arnab Das, P Gosh, Swarniv Chandra, V Raj ;  IEEE Transactions in Plasma Science, doi: 10.1109/TPS.2021.3113727 (2021)

  21. Quantum and Relativistic Effects on the KdV and Envelope Solitons in Ion-Plasma Waves, H Sahoo, C Das, Swarniv Chandra, B Ghosh, K K Mondal ;  IEEE Transactions in Plasma Science, doi: 10.1109/TPS.2021.3120077  (2021)

  22. Stationary Structures in a Four Component Dense Magnetoplasma with Lateral Perturbations;  Souradeep Thakur, Chinmay Das, Swarniv Chandra;  IEEE Transactions in Plasma Science DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2021.3133082  (2021)

  23. Nonlinear Wave-Wave Interaction in Semiconductor Junction Diode; Jyotirmoy Goswami; Swarniv Chandra;Chinmay Das;Jit Sarkar; IEEE Transactions in Plasma Science, doi: 10.1109/TPS.2021.3124454  (2021)

  24. Forced KdV and Envelope Soliton in Magnetoplasma with Kappa distributed Ions. Jit Sarkar, Swarniv Chandra et al. IEEE Transactions in Plasma Science ; 10.1109/TPS.2022.3140318 (2021))

  25. Formation of electron acoustic shock wave in inner magnetospheric plasma, Swarniv Chandra, et al (Indian J Phys (2022). )

  26. Homotopy Study of Spherical Ion-Acoustic Waves in Relativistic Degenerate Galactic Plasma; S Sarkar, A Dey, S Pramanick, T Ghosh, C Das, Swarniv Chandra; IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 10.1109/TPS.2022.3146441 (2022)

  27. Rogue Wave Generation Through Non-Linear Self Interaction Of Electrostatic Waves In Dense Plasma; A Dey, Swarniv Chandra, C Das, S Mandal, T Das; IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 10.1109/TPS.2022.3143001 (2022)

  28. Magnetosonic Shocks And Solitons In Fermi Plasma With Quasiperiodic Perturbation; S Kapoor, D Dutta, M Ghosh, Swarniv Chandra; IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 50 (6), 1585-1597 (2022)

  29. Heliospheric Two Stream Instability with Degenerate Electron Plasma; Jit Sarkar, Swarniv Chandra, J Goswami, B Ghosh ; Nonlinear Dynamics and Applications. Springer Proceedings in Complexity. Pp-25-42 Springer, Cham. (2022)

  30. Multistability Studies on Electron-Acoustic Wave in a Magnetized Plasma with Supra-thermal Ions; Swarniv Chandra, Rupanjan Banerjee, Jit Sarkar, Soureen Zaman, Chinmay Das, Subha Samanta, Farah Deeba, Brahmananda Dasgupta; Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy volume 43, Article number: 71 (2022)

  31. Semi-Lagrangian Method to Study Nonlinear Electrostatic Waves in Quantum Plasma; C Das, Swarniv Chandra, S Kapoor, P Chatterjee; IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science (2022)

  32. Study of Quantum-Electron Acoustic Solitary Structures in Fermi Plasma with Two Temperature Electrons; Shilpi, Sharry, C Das, Swarniv Chandra; Nonlinear Dynamics and Applications. Springer Proceedings in Complexity. P-63-83 Springer, Cham. (2022)

  33. Formation of Nonlinear Stationary Structures in Ionospheric Plasma; G Manna, S Dey, J Goswami, Swarniv Chandra, J Sarkar, A Gupta; IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science,  50 (6), 1464-1476; doi: 10.1109/TPS.2022.3166685 (2022)

  34. Bifurcation Analysis of EAWs in Degenerate Astrophysical Plasma: Chaos and Multistability; Swarniv Chandra, S Kapoor, D Nandi, C Das, D Bhattacharjee; IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 50 (6), 1495-1507, doi: 10.1109/TPS.2022.3166694 (2022)

  35. Two-stream Plasma Instability as a Potential Mechanism for Particle Escape from the Venusian Ionosphere; Dey, S; Ghosh,S; Maity, D;  De, A; Chandra, Swarniv;    Pramana-Journal of Physics ; Springer 96, 213 (2022). (2022)

  36. Simulation study of dust magnetosonic excitations in a magnetized dusty plasma; S Singla, Swarniv Chandra, NS Saini; Chinese Journal of Physics, 10.1016/j.cjph.2023.06.014 (2023)

  37. Degeneracy Affected Stability in Ionospheric Plasma Waves, Swarniv Chandra, C Das, J Sarkar, C Chowdhari, Pramana-Journal of Physics 98 (2), (2023)

  38. Field Modulations of Ion Acoustic Waves in Plasma with Vasyliunas-Shamel Distributed Electrons; C Das, Swarniv Chandra, A Saha, P Chatterjee: IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science; (doi: 10.1109/TPS.2024.3388319);(2024)

  39. Evolutionary Stages of Envelope Soliton During Laser Plasma Interaction; Swarniv Chandra, C Das, D Batani , A. A. Aliverdiev et al:IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science;( doi: 10.1109/TPS.2024.3388317.);(2024)

  40. Double Layers and Solitary Structures Observed in Ion Acoustic Mode Around Critical Regime; Swarniv Chandra, P Maji, I Maiti, K Samanta,S Mukherjee et al: IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science; (DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2024.3388272);(2024)

  41. Harnessing Tamm-Plasmon Polaritons in Cantor Sequence Photonic Quasicrystals for Enhanced Cancer Cell Detection; S Chatterjee, R Mukherjee, Swarniv Chandra, P Maji et al:Plasmonics; (;(2024)

  42. Dual Self-Referenced Refractive Index Sensor utilizing Tamm Plasmons in Photonic Quasicrystal for Multistage Malaria Parasite Detection; U Chowdhury; P Mandi; R Mukherjee; Swarniv Chandra; S Sutradhar; S Kumar, P Maji; Plasmonics; (;(2024)

  43. Nonlinear Evolutionary Stages of a Dispersive Kappa Distributed Magnetized Plasma; Swarniv Chandra, D Mahanta, D Batani, A. Aliverdiev, C Das, S Paul: Springer Proceedings in Complexity; (Accepted);(2024)

  44. Nuclear Acoustic Envelope Soliton in a Relativistically Degenerate Magneto-Rotating Stellar Plasma; Swarniv Chandra, D Mahanta, G Manna ; Physica Scripta; DOI 10.1088/1402-4896/ad67ae;(IOP) (2024)

  45. Exploring Dust-Ion Acoustic Shocks in a Plasma in the Light of Phase Plane Analysis;  B Kaur, S Chandra et al ; Radiation Effects & Defects In Solids, Vol. 179, Nos. 7–8, 888–902;;(Taylor & Francis) (2024)

  46. Effect of Ion Pressure Anisotropy in a Degenerate quantum Magneto-Plasma with charged state of light and heavy Positive ion; D Mahanta, S Chandra, J Sharma ; East European Journal of Physics; s. 3. 143–159; (2024)

  47. Damping Effects on the Spectrum of Solitary Structures in Cylindrical and Spherical Geometry; L Mandi, U N Ghosh, S Chandra, C Das, P Chatterjee; IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science; DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2024.3438559;(2024)

  48. Astronomy and Space Science: The Key to Future Economy and Politics; S Chandra; Editorial: Open Access Journal of Astronomy 1 (1), 1 (2023)

  49. A Simple Model of Endemicity to Analyse Spread and Control of COVID-19 in India; S Banerjee, C Das, S Chandra; Frontiers in Advanced Materials Research 5 (1), 70-79          (2023)

  50. Transverse Fluctuations and Their Effects on the Stable Functioning of Semiconductor Devices; S Mallick, B Panda, A Sen, A Majumdar, R Ghosal, S Chandra, C Das, ;Frontiers in Advanced Materials Research 5 (1), 44-69      (2023)

  51. Characterisation of Municipal Solid Waste for Management and Disposal Purposes, Chandra Swarniv, Nandi D, Bhattacharya S, Bose S, Mitra P, Dutta A, Chandra A, et al; Journal of Waste Management and Disposal;2;1;Scholarena (2019)

  52. Turning Trash to Treasure: Unlocking Revenue and Clean Air from Kolkata’s Dhapa Dumpsite. Chandra, Swarniv Frontiers in Advanced Materials Research, 5(2), 34-42. (2023)

  53. Differential Configurational Entropy Measurement of Optical Dark Simlaritons; Frontiers in Advanced Materials Research;6(1),27-33, Pooja, Swarniv Chandra, K Bulchandani, S Kaur, PS Maji, Ratbay Myrzakuov

  54. Interaction and Decomposition of Magnetoacoustic Stationary Structures in Magnetospheric Plasma , S. Chandra et al , IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science; Accepted;(2024)

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