Self-interacting stationary formations in plasmas under externally controlled fields, Chandra, Swarniv; Jit Sarkar, Chinmay Das, Basudev Ghosh; Plasma Physics Reports,47;306-317 (2021) Springer
Amplitude modulated electron acoustic waves with bipolar ions and Kappa distributed positrons and warm electrons, Goswami, Jyotirmoy; Chandra, Swarniv; Sarkar, Jit; Ghosh, Basudev; Pramana-Journal of Physics,95,54 (2021) Springer
Effects of exchange symmetry and quantum diffraction on amplitude modulated electrostatic waves in quantum magnetoplasma, Das, Chinmay; Chandra, Swarniv; Ghosh, Basudev; Pramana-Journal of Physics,95;78 (2021) Springer
Electrostatic Shock Fronts in Two-Component Plasma And Its Evolution into Rogue Wave Type Solitary Structures; Mukhopadhyay, Anumita; Bagui, Debanjan; Chandra, Swarniv; The African Review of Physics,15;25 (2021) ICTP, Italy,
Chaotic Scenario in Three-Component Fermi Plasma, Ghosh, Tamal; Pramanick, Suman; Sarkar, Soumya; Dey, Ankita; Chandra, Swarniv; The African Review of Physics,15;45 (2021) ICTP, Italy,
Study of Dynamical Properties in Shock & Solitary Structures and its Evolutionary Stages in a Degenerate Plasma, Chatterjee, Mainak; Dasgupta, Meghna; Das, Sayoni; Halder, Moitreyee; Chandra, Swarniv; The African Review of Physics,15;75 (2021) ICTP, Italy,
Stationary Formation Of Dust-Ion Acoustic Waves In Degenerate Dusty Plasma At Critical Regime, Roychowdhury, Amrita; Banerjee, Shuvranil; Chandra, Swarniv; The African Review of Physics,15;102 (2021) ICTP, Italy,
Study Of Shock Fronts And Solitary Profile In A Weakly Relativistic Plasma And Its Evolution Into An Amplitude Modulated Envelop Soliton, Majumdar, Ahona; Sen, Anusree; Panda, Biswasaran; Ghosh, R; Mallick, Sweta; Chandra, Swarniv; The African Review of Physics,15;18 (2021) ICTP, Italy,
Chaotic Excitations of Rogue Waves in Stable Parametric Region for Highly-Energetic Pair Plasmas, Dey, S; Maity, D; Ghosh, A; Samanta, P; De, A; Chandra, Swarniv; The African Review of Physics,15;33 (2021) ICTP, Italy,
Nonlinear Excitations in Dust-Ion Acoustic Waves and the Formation of Rogue Waves in Stable Parametric Region in a 3-Component Degenerate Plasma, Samanta, P; De, A; Dey, S; Maity, D; Ghosh, A; Chandra, Swarniv; The African Review of Physics,15;10 (2021) ICTP, Italy,
Non-Linear Behaviour Of Dust Acoustic Wave Mode In A Dynamic Dusty Plasma Containing Negative Dust Particles And Positrons, Ballav, S; Kundu, S; Das, A; Chandra, Swarniv; The African Review of Physics,15, 54 (2021) ICTP, Italy,
Study of Small Amplitude Ion-Acoustic Bunched Solitary Waves in a Plasma with Streaming Ions and Thermal Electrons, Maiti, A; Chowdhury, S; Singha, P; Ray, S; Dasgupta, R; Chandra, Swarniv; The African Review of Physics,15;97 (2021) ICTP, Italy,
Linear And Non-Linear Properties Of Electron Acoustic Waves In A Viscous Plasma, Ghosh, S; Saha, S; Chakraborty, T; Sadhukhan, K; Bhanja, R; Chandra, Swarniv; The African Review of Physics,15;90 (2021) ICTP, Italy,
Propagation of Rogue Waves and Cnoidal Waves Formations through Low Frequency Plasma Oscillations, Ghosh, Mrittika; Sharry, K; Dutta, D; Chandra, Swarniv; The African Review of Physics,15,63 (2021) ICTP, Italy,
Evolution of Nonlinear Stationary Formations in a quantum plasma at finite temperature, Chandra, Swarniv; Das, Chinmay; Jit Sarkar; Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A,76,4,329-347 (2021) de Gruyter,
Growth of RT instability at the accreting magnetospheric boundary of neutron stars, Sarkar, Jit; Chandra, Swarniv; Goswami, J; Das, C; Ghosh, B; AIP Conference Proceedings,2319,(1),30006 (2021) AIP Publishing LLC,
Quantum two stream instability in a relativistically degenerate magnetised plasma, Goswami, Jyotirmoy; Chandra, Swarniv; Sarkar, Jit; Ghosh, Basudev; AIP Conference Proceedings,2319(1);30005 (2021) AIP Publishing LLC,
Resonant Interactions and Chaotic Excitation in Nonlinear Surface Waves in Dense Plasma, A. Ghosh, J. Goswami, Swarniv Chandra, C. Das, Y. Arya and H. Chhibber; IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, doi: 10.1109/TPS.2021.3109297.
Plasma Shock Wave in Gamma Ray Bursts: Nonlinear Phenomena and Radiative Process; S Ballav, A Das, S Pramanick, Swarniv Chandra; IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, doi: 10.1109/TPS.2021.3112178.(2021)
Electron Acoustic Peregrine Breathers in a Quantum Plasma with 1-D Temperature Anisotropy; Arnab Das, P Gosh, Swarniv Chandra, V Raj ; IEEE Transactions in Plasma Science, doi: 10.1109/TPS.2021.3113727 (2021)
Quantum and Relativistic Effects on the KdV and Envelope Solitons in Ion-Plasma Waves, H Sahoo, C Das, Swarniv Chandra, B Ghosh, K K Mondal ; IEEE Transactions in Plasma Science, doi: 10.1109/TPS.2021.3120077 (2021)
Stationary Structures in a Four Component Dense Magnetoplasma with Lateral Perturbations; Souradeep Thakur, Chinmay Das, Swarniv Chandra; IEEE Transactions in Plasma Science DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2021.3133082 (2021)
Nonlinear Wave-Wave Interaction in Semiconductor Junction Diode; Jyotirmoy Goswami; Swarniv Chandra;Chinmay Das;Jit Sarkar; IEEE Transactions in Plasma Science, doi: 10.1109/TPS.2021.3124454 (2021)
Forced KdV and Envelope Soliton in Magnetoplasma with Kappa distributed Ions. Jit Sarkar, Swarniv Chandra et al. IEEE Transactions in Plasma Science ; 10.1109/TPS.2022.3140318 (2021))
Formation of electron acoustic shock wave in inner magnetospheric plasma, Swarniv Chandra, et al (Indian J Phys (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12648-021-02276-x )
Homotopy Study of Spherical Ion-Acoustic Waves in Relativistic Degenerate Galactic Plasma; S Sarkar, A Dey, S Pramanick, T Ghosh, C Das, Swarniv Chandra; IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 10.1109/TPS.2022.3146441 (2022)
Rogue Wave Generation Through Non-Linear Self Interaction Of Electrostatic Waves In Dense Plasma; A Dey, Swarniv Chandra, C Das, S Mandal, T Das; IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 10.1109/TPS.2022.3143001 (2022)
Magnetosonic Shocks And Solitons In Fermi Plasma With Quasiperiodic Perturbation; S Kapoor, D Dutta, M Ghosh, Swarniv Chandra; IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 50 (6), 1585-1597 (2022)
Heliospheric Two Stream Instability with Degenerate Electron Plasma; Jit Sarkar, Swarniv Chandra, J Goswami, B Ghosh ; Nonlinear Dynamics and Applications. Springer Proceedings in Complexity. Pp-25-42 Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-99792-2_3 (2022)
Multistability Studies on Electron-Acoustic Wave in a Magnetized Plasma with Supra-thermal Ions; Swarniv Chandra, Rupanjan Banerjee, Jit Sarkar, Soureen Zaman, Chinmay Das, Subha Samanta, Farah Deeba, Brahmananda Dasgupta; Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy volume 43, Article number: 71 (2022)
Semi-Lagrangian Method to Study Nonlinear Electrostatic Waves in Quantum Plasma; C Das, Swarniv Chandra, S Kapoor, P Chatterjee; IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science (2022)
Study of Quantum-Electron Acoustic Solitary Structures in Fermi Plasma with Two Temperature Electrons; Shilpi, Sharry, C Das, Swarniv Chandra; Nonlinear Dynamics and Applications. Springer Proceedings in Complexity. P-63-83 Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-99792-2_3 (2022)
Formation of Nonlinear Stationary Structures in Ionospheric Plasma; G Manna, S Dey, J Goswami, Swarniv Chandra, J Sarkar, A Gupta; IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 50 (6), 1464-1476; doi: 10.1109/TPS.2022.3166685 (2022)
Bifurcation Analysis of EAWs in Degenerate Astrophysical Plasma: Chaos and Multistability; Swarniv Chandra, S Kapoor, D Nandi, C Das, D Bhattacharjee; IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 50 (6), 1495-1507, doi: 10.1109/TPS.2022.3166694 (2022)
Two-stream Plasma Instability as a Potential Mechanism for Particle Escape from the Venusian Ionosphere; Dey, S; Ghosh,S; Maity, D; De, A; Chandra, Swarniv; Pramana-Journal of Physics ; Springer 96, 213 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12043-022-02462-4 (2022)
Simulation study of dust magnetosonic excitations in a magnetized dusty plasma; S Singla, Swarniv Chandra, NS Saini; Chinese Journal of Physics, 10.1016/j.cjph.2023.06.014 (2023)
Degeneracy Affected Stability in Ionospheric Plasma Waves, Swarniv Chandra, C Das, J Sarkar, C Chowdhari, Pramana-Journal of Physics 98 (2), https://link.springer.com/article/10.100 (2023)
Field Modulations of Ion Acoustic Waves in Plasma with Vasyliunas-Shamel Distributed Electrons; C Das, Swarniv Chandra, A Saha, P Chatterjee: IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science; (doi: 10.1109/TPS.2024.3388319);(2024)
Evolutionary Stages of Envelope Soliton During Laser Plasma Interaction; Swarniv Chandra, C Das, D Batani , A. A. Aliverdiev et al:IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science;( doi: 10.1109/TPS.2024.3388317.);(2024)
Double Layers and Solitary Structures Observed in Ion Acoustic Mode Around Critical Regime; Swarniv Chandra, P Maji, I Maiti, K Samanta,S Mukherjee et al: IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science; (DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2024.3388272);(2024)
Harnessing Tamm-Plasmon Polaritons in Cantor Sequence Photonic Quasicrystals for Enhanced Cancer Cell Detection; S Chatterjee, R Mukherjee, Swarniv Chandra, P Maji et al:Plasmonics; (https://doi.org/10.1007/s11468-024-02269-6);(2024)
Dual Self-Referenced Refractive Index Sensor utilizing Tamm Plasmons in Photonic Quasicrystal for Multistage Malaria Parasite Detection; U Chowdhury; P Mandi; R Mukherjee; Swarniv Chandra; S Sutradhar; S Kumar, P Maji; Plasmonics; (https://doi.org/10.1007/s11468-024-02308-2);(2024)
Nonlinear Evolutionary Stages of a Dispersive Kappa Distributed Magnetized Plasma; Swarniv Chandra, D Mahanta, D Batani, A. Aliverdiev, C Das, S Paul: Springer Proceedings in Complexity; (Accepted);(2024)
Nuclear Acoustic Envelope Soliton in a Relativistically Degenerate Magneto-Rotating Stellar Plasma; Swarniv Chandra, D Mahanta, G Manna ; Physica Scripta; DOI 10.1088/1402-4896/ad67ae;(IOP) (2024)
Exploring Dust-Ion Acoustic Shocks in a Plasma in the Light of Phase Plane Analysis; B Kaur, S Chandra et al ; Radiation Effects & Defects In Solids, Vol. 179, Nos. 7–8, 888–902; https://doi.org/10.1080/10420150.2024.2378407;(Taylor & Francis) (2024)
Effect of Ion Pressure Anisotropy in a Degenerate quantum Magneto-Plasma with charged state of light and heavy Positive ion; D Mahanta, S Chandra, J Sharma ; East European Journal of Physics; s. 3. 143–159; https://doi.org/10.26565/2312-4334-2024-3-14 (2024)
Damping Effects on the Spectrum of Solitary Structures in Cylindrical and Spherical Geometry; L Mandi, U N Ghosh, S Chandra, C Das, P Chatterjee; IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science; DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2024.3438559;(2024)
Astronomy and Space Science: The Key to Future Economy and Politics; S Chandra; Editorial: Open Access Journal of Astronomy 1 (1), 1 (2023)
A Simple Model of Endemicity to Analyse Spread and Control of COVID-19 in India; S Banerjee, C Das, S Chandra; Frontiers in Advanced Materials Research 5 (1), 70-79 (2023)
Transverse Fluctuations and Their Effects on the Stable Functioning of Semiconductor Devices; S Mallick, B Panda, A Sen, A Majumdar, R Ghosal, S Chandra, C Das, ;Frontiers in Advanced Materials Research 5 (1), 44-69 (2023)
Characterisation of Municipal Solid Waste for Management and Disposal Purposes, Chandra Swarniv, Nandi D, Bhattacharya S, Bose S, Mitra P, Dutta A, Chandra A, et al; Journal of Waste Management and Disposal;2;1;Scholarena (2019)
Turning Trash to Treasure: Unlocking Revenue and Clean Air from Kolkata’s Dhapa Dumpsite. Chandra, Swarniv Frontiers in Advanced Materials Research, 5(2), 34-42. https://doi.org/10.34256/famr2324 (2023)
Differential Configurational Entropy Measurement of Optical Dark Simlaritons; Frontiers in Advanced Materials Research;6(1),27-33, Pooja, Swarniv Chandra, K Bulchandani, S Kaur, PS Maji, Ratbay Myrzakuov
Interaction and Decomposition of Magnetoacoustic Stationary Structures in Magnetospheric Plasma , S. Chandra et al , IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science; Accepted;(2024)